

The router can be configured by creating a react-server.config.mjs or react-server.config.json file in the root of your project. The configuration file should export a configuration object and it should include the root path for your routes. You can also specify a public path for your static files. The file-system based router will automatically scaffold the files in the root directory for routing and prepares and builds the routing based on your files in the root directory.

export default {
  root: "src/pages",
  public: "public",

You can configure the router to exclude files and directories from the routing by using the router(config) function in the configuration. The function should return a configuration object with the excludes property containing an array of file and directory names to exclude from the routing. You can use glob patterns to exclude multiple files and directories.

export default {
  root: "src/pages",
  public: "public",
  router(config) {
    return {
      excludes: ["_*"],

You can also use the same functionality on different types of routes by defining type specific configurator functions. The router function will be called for all types of routes, but you can define layout, page, middleware and api functions to configure the routing for different types of routes.

export default {
  root: "src/pages",
  public: "public",
  router(config) {
    return {
      // Exclude all files and directories starting with an underscore
      excludes: ["_*"],
  layout(config) {
    return {
      // Exclude all layout files including the word "private"
      excludes: ["*private*"],
  page(config) {
    return {
      // Exclude all page files starting with "hidden-"
      excludes: ["hidden-*"],
  middleware(config) {
    return {
      // Exclude all middleware files starting with "disabled-"
      excludes: ["disabled-*"],
  api(config) {
    return {
      // Exclude all API files containing the word "PATCH"
      excludes: ["*PATCH*"],

You can configure the router to include only specific files and directories from the routing by using the router(config) function in the configuration. The function should return a configuration object with the includes property containing an array of file and directory names to include from the routing. You can use glob patterns to include multiple files and directories.

export default {
  root: "src/pages",
  public: "public",
  router(config) {
    return {
      // Include only the about page
      includes: ["about.page.jsx"],