

The react-server CLI is the main tool for developing and deploying your @lazarv/react-server applications. It provides a set of commands to help you build, run, and deploy your app.

To check out the available commands, run:

pnpm react-server --help

You need to always define the entrypoint of your app as the first argument of the react-server command. Only exception is when you use the file-system based router as it will define the entrypoint for you.

The [root] of your app has to export default a React Server Component. This is the entrypoint of your app and this will be rendered on the server side for every request.

You can also use a hash fragment in the entrypoint to specify a specific export. For example, if you have an entrypoint at ./index.jsx and you want to use the App export, you can use ./index.jsx#App.

If your entrypoint is at ./App.jsx, you can start the development server with:

pnpm react-server ./App.jsx

To start the development server, you can use the following options:

host: The host to listen on. Default is localhost.

port: The port to listen on. Default is 3000.

https: Use HTTPS protocol. Default is false.
When you want to use HTTPS for your development server. You need to specify your HTTPS configuration in your react-server.config.mjs or vite.config.mjs file. See details in the Vite documentation at server.https.

open: Open browser on server start. Default is false.
Opens your app in the default browser.

cors: Enable CORS. Default is false.
This is useful when you want to allow cross-origin requests. If you need more detailed CORS configuration, you can define the CORS configuration in your react-server.config.mjs or vite.config.mjs file. See details in the Vite documentation at server.cors.

force: Force optimize deps. Default is false.
This is equal to vite --force. It will force the optimization of dependencies and clears the Vite cache.

watch: Watch for config changes. Default is true.
To disable watching for config changes, use --no-watch.

clear-screen: Clear screen on server start. Default is false.
If you want to start with a clean terminal screen.

no-color: Disable color output. Default is false.
This is useful for CI/CD environments.

eval: Evaluate the server entrypoint from the argument, like node -e. You can also use stdin as the entrypoint. This type of entrypoint becomes a virtualized entrypoint and is not written to the file system.

version: Display version number.
Output will also include your machine's architecture and node.js version.

outDir: Output directory for the build. Default is .react-server.

name: Name of the server. Default is react-server. Used for logging.

minify: Minify your build. Default is true.
You don't need to minify your app if you only use React Server Components and you are not using any client components, like in the Todo example. If you want to disable minification of client component code, use --no-minify.

sourcemap: Generate source map. Default is false. See more details in the Vite documentation at build.sourcemap.

no-color: Disable color output. Default is false.
This is useful for CI/CD environments.

server: Build server. Default is true.
You can disable server build if you only want to build the client part of your app. Use --no-server to disable server build.

client: Build client. Default is true.
You can disable client build if you only want to build the server part of your app. Use --no-client to disable client build.

export: Static export. Default is false.
You can export your app as static HTML pages. You can define the routes to export in your react-server.config.mjs file. See more details at Static generation.

compression: Enable compression. Default is false.
You can enable compression if you want to compress your static build. Compression is not enabled by default for static builds. Gzip and Brotli compression is used when compression is enabled. The production mode server serves these compressed files by default when the compressed static files are present.

deploy: Deploy using adapter. Default is false. If you use an adapter in your react-server.config.mjs file, the adapter will pre-build your app for deployment and when you use this argument, the adapter will also deploy your app at the end of the build process.

outDir: Output directory for the build. Default is .react-server.

host, port, https and cors are the same as in the development server options.

Specify the origin part of the URL to a constant value. Same as using the ORIGIN environment variable.

trust-proxy: Trust X-Forwarded-* headers.

See more details about origin and trust-proxy at the Hattip documentation at @hattip/adapter-node.

build: Runs the build command before starting the server using the provided entrypoint.

dev: Start the server in development mode to use React development packages, like react/jsx-dev-runtime.

outDir: Output directory for the build. Default is .react-server. You need to specify this option if you used a different output directory in the build command than the default.