

In this section, you will find information about the @lazarv/react-server framework. The framework provides a set of tools and utilities to build server-side rendered React applications.

You will learn how to use the CLI to build, run, and deploy your app. It's a very simple tool that provides a small set of commands to help you with your development workflow.

You will learn how to configure your app using the frameworks own configuration file and also using the Vite configuration file. The framework is built on top of Vite and you can use all the Vite configuration options and plugins to customize your app.

You can also access the full HTTP context during server-side rendering, middlewares, route handlers or server functions. The framework provides a set of hooks and functions to access and manipulate the HTTP context.

The framework also provides tools for you to cache data on the server. You can cache data in-memory by default, but you can also build your own cache provider.

For error handling, you can learn about how to use the built-in error boundary component and how to implement your own error handling strategy.

You can also learn about some small, but useful modes of the framework in this section, like partial pre-rendering, cluster mode or middleware mode. Partial pre-rendering is useful when you want to pre-render only parts of your app. Cluster mode is useful when you want to run your app in a multi-process environment. While middleware mode is useful when you want to run your app as a middleware in an existing server, like Express or NestJS.

You can learn about how to implement a micro-frontend architecture using the framework in the micro-frontends section. The framework provides a set of tools to help you implement micro-frontends in your app. You can use the RemoteComponent component to load a micro-frontend from a remote URL and render it in your app using server-side rendering. Server-side rendering supported iframe fragments for React applications!