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@lazarv/react-server is compatible with TypeScript. You can use TypeScript normally like in any other React project. TypeScript just works with this framework as it is relying on Vite and Esbuild to transpile the code.

You can keep all the TypeScript configuration in the tsconfig.json file. You can follow the TypeScript configuration guide to configure TypeScript.

A basic example of tsconfig.json file to use with @lazarv/react-server:

{ "compilerOptions": { "strict": true, "module": "ESNext", "moduleResolution": "Bundler", "lib": ["ESNext", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable"], "jsx": "preserve", "types": ["react/experimental", "react-dom/experimental"], "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "baseUrl": "./src", "paths": { "@/*": ["./*"] } }, "include": ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", ".react-server/**/*.ts"], "exclude": ["**/*.js", "**/*.mjs"] }

The important part is to use the react/experimental and react-dom/experimental types for React as @lazarv/react-server uses the experimental React APIs.

@lazarv/react-server uses the file-system based routing. This means that the file-system is the source of truth for the routing. When you create a new file, you create a new route.

This is a very powerful feature, but it can be hard to work with if you are using TypeScript. @lazarv/react-server has a built-in feature to help you with this.

By including the .react-server directory in the tsconfig.json file, you can use TypeScript to type the file-system based routing.

To make the TypeScript path aliases work, you need to include the baseUrl and paths in the tsconfig.json file.

{ "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": "./src", "paths": { "@/*": ["./*"] } } }

While you also need to include the paths in your vite.config.js file as resolve.alias entries to make the path aliases work.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; export default defineConfig({ resolve: { alias: { '@/': new URL('./src/', import.meta.url).pathname } } });