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Partial pre-rendering

When you have a page that contains a static shell and dynamic content, you can use partial pre-rendering to pre-render only the static content and then the framework will use the pre-rendered content and a state stored in a JSON file to continue rendering the dynamic content on demand.

You can split your JSX to static and dynamic content by using Suspense and marking dynamic components by using the usePrerender hook or the withPrerender higher-order component helper function. The marked component's rendering will be "postponed" for rendering it at runtime in the production server using the pre-rendered HTML content and the JSON state.

import { Suspense } from "react";
import { usePrerender } from "@lazarv/react-server/prerender";

async function DynamicComponent() {
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  return <div>Dynamic content</div>;

export default function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Static content</h1>
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <DynamicComponent data={data} />

To enable partial pre-rendering, you will also need to export your pre-rendered pages as static pages. To do so, add export to your react-server.config.mjs. See more details about static exporting at Static generation.

export default {
  export(paths) {
    return [
      { path: "/" }

When you run the build command, the framework will pre-render the pages you have exported and store the pre-rendered content in the .react-server folder of your project. The pre-rendered content will be used by the production server to render the pages faster.

To disable partial pre-rendering, add prerender: false to your react-server.config.mjs:

export default {
  prerender: false